Working Together

Embarking on the journey of discovering and nurturing your unique gifts is a great adventure, and I'm honored to walk alongside you.

connect call with rachel browne


Have tea with me?

Whether you're just beginning or deep in this journey, there's something special about finding a new ally on the path.

The first step is to book a call. Think of it as a cozy chat over a cup of tea, where we get to know each other. I'm eager to hear your story, understand where you are on your path, and offer whatever guidance and support I can to help you find clarity and take that next step forward. Take a moment to schedule your free call now, I look forward to meeting you.

hands reaching for life purpose and essence

The Crucible of Voice

bring your voice to life


A 3 month odyssey of self-discovery designed to unearth your original voice, life’s work and build a partnership with your actualization.

Not ready to take The Gift of Your Existence? Get started with our complimentary email program:

Original Voice:
A 5-Day Journey to Unearth Your Unique Voice

Learn More


Materialize Your Voice & Life’s Work

Your voice is not just the words you say, it’s the material expression of your true nature and innate wisdom on earth.

It’s your signature vibration, personal message on earth, and unique presence in the world. The pilgrimage to expressing your voice is a return to the deepest essences of self. Finding your voice is about actualizing the whole truth of who you are. Identifying and revealing your essence are transformative processes where every step leads you to greater alignment with your heart and a more fully inhabited existence.

This Isn’t Just a Program, It’s a Pilgrimage.

man contemplates existence and life purpose

The Gift of Your Existence

unearth your original voice + life's work

APRIL 2025

A 9-Month Journey to Master Your Message, Free Your Self-Expression & Build Your Body of Work


Unearth Your Original Voice and Life’s Work

An Odyssey of Self-discovery

When a pursuit is truly intertwined with our evolution, it stirs the deepest fears and insecurities, manifesting as internal turmoil, doubt, or external barriers. It’s as though the universe conspires to test our resolve, forcing us to confront and transcend the shadows that linger in our psyche. This friction is a signpost indicating that the path we tread is both perilous and precious. Embrace this resistance as a call to forge ahead, for in these turbulent moments that our truest growth and most profound transformation occur.

Free courses, guides and worksheets:



Fall in love with marketing your business and get inspired to share your voice.

In ‘The Big Bang’ - a free, 5-day email course for healers, coaches, and therapists - you will:

  • Unblock any blocks you have around creativity, expression, marketing, and social media.

  • Dive deep into your original voice and soul, free yourself from burnout, and get inspired to re-enter the digital space to voice your deepest truth.

  • Remember why you’re here, what you’re trying to achieve, and why it matters for your clients, life, and community.

  • Learn how to work with your own natural cycles of creative energy, including identifying inspirators, uncovering self-sabotage, and more.



Effectively design your first program.

Download The Ultimate Guide to Designing Your First Online Coaching Program, and here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The top 5 mistakes all my clients make and how to avoid them and increase the likelihood your launch will be successful and people will love your program. 

  • Why it’s so important to get clear on the transformation you are attempting to facilitate at the outset, rather than design the program by throwing spaghetti at the wall with everything you know. 

  • A step-by-step program design process, including templates you need for the pages you need to write, along with a high-level outline of what your launch should look like. 

  • Much, much more. Seriously, too much to write here.