Putting you in touch with the nature of your being, in service of your becoming.


The Creative Heart of Humanity

with Peleg Top

At the core of human existence lies something truly magical: the capacity to create.

It's the essence of what makes us human, it’s responsible for so much of our evolution, and Peleg Top has spent his life unlocking its profound potential in himself and others.

Peleg is a creative’s creative. His life-long, multi-medium exploration of his creative free-sprit is inspirational. From music, to design, to painting + drawing—he is unbounded.

Listen in and here’s some of what you’ll learn:

The Universality of Creativity: Creativity is inherent to being human. It's not reserved for a select few but is accessible to everyone. If you’ve ever felt intimate by traditional perceptions of creativity—fear not! Listen in, and let us liberate you. 

Overcoming Inner Critic: Many people hesitate to engage in creative pursuits because of self-doubt and fear of judgment. We’ll give you strategies to quiet the inner critic and cultivate self-belief that you can apply across your whole life. 

Vulnerability and Authenticity: Vulnerability is crucial for creative expression to resonate deeply. Many newcomers may struggle with putting themselves out there authentically. We’ll explore how vulnerability fosters authenticity and deepens creative practice.

Embracing Self-Love: You may not realize the connection between self-love and acceptance and creative confidence. We’ll explore how self-love nurtures creativity and inspires a journey of self-discovery.


Death & the Dance of Becoming

with Wilka Roig 

Every second, something is born and something dies inside us.

Death and the dance of becoming is about letting go of all that creates obstacles to this natural process; all that stops us from fully seeing and understanding we are not the same person we were one minute ago. But this is much easier said than done.

When it comes to death, there are few people I find more fascinating or shamelessly obsessed than Wilka Roig. A long-time friend, she’s a transpersonal psychologist, death doula, death activist, and dream worker, and after many years working with her, I’ve felt her work bring back more humanity to the earth and to my own human experience.  

Join us for a live lecture, and here’s some of what she’ll cover:

Death is fundamental to evolution. Death is not something we must endure, but essential to all life. It in in fact what makes life possible. Every death makes room for something else. Without it, the necessary, natural regeneration for life on earth could not occur.

The fallacies and fantasies we believe and the great suffering they cause us. The most difficult thing humans struggle with is not the death or ending itself but the stories we’ve been fed surrounding it.

How every human vessel has a unique pattern of growth. Who we are stems from the context in which we were born, the conditioning that we grew up with, and the cards that were laid out. The more we move through our patterns of growth, aka, our becoming, shedding light on them, making them conscious—the more is able to be made manifest through us. 

Embracing Self-Love: You may not realize the connection between self-love and acceptance and creative confidence. We’ll explore how self-love nurtures creativity and inspires a journey of self-discovery.

Waking up our soul artist: Peleg’s process is designed to wake that part of us up which brings renewed energy into our creativity. 

You can find Peleg at: www.pelegtop.com and on Instagram: @pelegtop

Listen to learn how you can unlock your creative free spirit, and much, much more.

The relentless human attempt to bypass discomfort, suffering and lostness. But these are all natural, fundamental, implied parts of the process of becoming. Failure to fully engage with these things leads to all kinds of psychological maladaptations like death anxiety, fear of aging, and an inability to let go. 

Why we must make room for our becoming by letting go of the story of who we are. We have become obsessed with processing, healing and transforming, but remain completely hamstrung by the fact that we hold onto who we are no longer.

You can find Wilka at www.wilkaroig.com and on Instagram @wilkaroig

Listen to the recorded lecture anytime for free: