Grow from student to teacher with:

The Crucible of Voice:

A 9-Month Journey to Free Your Voice, Master Your Message and Build Your Body of Work

October 2024 - June 2025

You’ve spent years absorbing the knowledge of others and honing your skills, all the while, a fierce knowing has been growing inside you—a call to express what’s uniquely yours.

But something holds you back. Masterful in all other areas of life, you feel dread when it comes to speaking your own voice. You struggle to act, and feel weighed down by the guilt of not fully stepping into your potential. You know you have powerful gifts to give but the path to offering them feels blocked. What you need is a nurturing space to unlock your voice, refine your ideas, and boldly step into your greatest gifts to the world. The Crucible of Voice is that space: a 9-month journey designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, practices, and support to fully claim your voice and set it free.

Something inside you is burning to come alive. It’s time you let it.

This Program is a Pilgrimage to the Essence of Who You Are.

Your voice is the material expression of your true nature. It’s your signature vibration in the world, a personal message only you can deliver. The journey through voice is a deep dive into the essence of who you are, where every step leads you to greater alignment with your heart and a more fully inhabited existence. In finding your voice, you actualize the full truth of your identity, embracing and expressing all that you are.

What You Haven’t Said Yet Could Change Everything.

Hold your feet to the fire of your truth

Enter The Crucible of Voice

Program Highlights:

Still Bone Hums Electric

The Daily Practice Challenge

The Daily Practice Challenge marks the beginning of your transformative journey. This month-long commitment is designed to help you descend into your depths, creating the space needed for your muse to emerge and for your true essence to take form. This challenge is an invitation to put your feet to the fire, confronting the resistance that holds you back and working through it. As you journey through this daily practice, you’ll deepen your connection to your original self, gaining clarity on who you are and how best to express your unique gifts. By the end of the month, you’ll have laid a solid foundation not only for your creative practice but also for the elevation of your soul’s purpose, preparing you to rise into the fullness of your voice.

Speak One True Thing

The Social Media Challenge

This challenge is an invitation to surrender to the alchemy of self expression, to confront your fears and self-doubt by sharing one true thing with the world each day. But it’s not an exercise in honesty—it’s a deliberate journey of working through the barriers that keep your essence hidden. Over the course of 21 days, with each truth you share, you’ll chip away at the layers of fear, revealing the clarity and confidence that come from manifesting your authentic self. This challenge is about more than just speaking out; it’s about committing to the process of becoming, step by step, and embracing the profound transformation that occurs when you allow yourself to be fully seen.

Write the Flesh Immortal

The Body of Work Sprint

An intensive, immersive experience designed to begin the journey of distilling your life's wisdom and insights into a cohesive and powerful body of work. Over the course of 30 days, you’ll dive deep into your personal philosophy, drawing from the depths of your experiences and knowledge to craft a curriculum that not only reflects your unique essence but also serves as a transformative blueprint for others. Whether you envision a book, a program, or a series of teachings, this sprint will guide you in turning your vision into reality, bringing your ideas to life with clarity, confidence, and conviction.

Hold Your Feet to the Fire of Your Own Truth

Over nine months, you’ll embark on an intensive journey designed to unearth and amplify your most authentic voice. Tailored to meet you where you are, this program combines structured group work with personalized, high-touch mentorship, ensuring that your voice emerges, honed and ready to shine.

*All daily meetings are Monday - Friday only.


Still Bone Hums Electric

30-minute daily meetings for 21 days


Fear & Imposter

60-minute weekly meetings for 3 weeks + a deep dive 1:1 with Rachel


Speak One True Thing

30-minute daily meetings for 21 days


The Synthesis of Self Discovery

60-minute weekly meetings for 3 weeks


The Blueprint of Your Body of Work

60-minute weekly meetings for 3 weeks + a deep dive 1:1 with Rachel


Write the Flesh Immortal

30-minute daily meetings for 21 days


Refine Your Body of Work

60-minute weekly meetings for 3 weeks


Living Self-Actualization

60-minute weekly meetings for 3 weeks + a deep dive 1:1 with Rachel


Your Voice, Reborn: Personal Challenge

30-minute daily meetings for 21 days

The Transformation

Claim Your Voice, Shape Your World:
Embark on a journey that will forever change how you express and live your truth.

Unlock the Potency and Truth of Your Voice

Unearth the essence of who you are. Articulate a message so powerful it moves mountains. Learn to communicate with unwavering confidence as you align your deepest truths with your outward expression.

Freely & Effortlessly Express Your Gifts

Dismantle the fears that have silenced you—imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and the paralyzing dread of judgment. Step boldly into the arena, knowing your voice is not only worthy but also essential to the whole expression of humanity.

Create a Curriculum For Your Body of Work

Tap into your life’s wisdom, draw from the modalities you’ve mastered, and weave them into a transformative curriculum that reflects your deepest truths and serves your clients to the depths you know are possible.

Serving the Landscape of Your Life

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
— Carl Jung

In our 9 months together, you will develop:

Enhanced Creativity

You’re not just learning to create; you're learning to live creatively, weaving your newfound expressive abilities into a life that is as dynamic and boundless as your imagination.

Increased Self-Love

This process nurtures a profound sense of self-love. As you learn to express your true self without fear or reservation, you’ll naturally begin to appreciate and honor your unique qualities and experiences.

Authentic Expression

Your authenticity will grow not just in how others see you—but also in how you see yourself. Move through the world as an expression of your deepest values and aspirations.

Better Life Alignment

By finding and using their authentic voices, you’ll learn to make decisions, create relationships, and engage in activities that truly resonate with your core self, leading to a more integrated and contented existence.

Deeper Self-Understanding

You'll uncover hidden motives, desires, and snippets of personal history that have shaped who you are, gaining deeper understanding of the internal landscape you navigate daily.

Enhanced Self-Referencing

As you master the art of internal world, you begin to turn inward to find answers that resonate with your core. You'll navigate decisions and forge paths inherently true, crafting a life that fulfills your deepest aspirations.

Invest in Your Voice


or $500 / month for 9 months

The World Needs You Now.

If you’re ready to step into your fullest expression, to create work you’re deeply proud of, to finally let your voice be heard—The Voice Incubator is for you.

The Voice Incubator is for you if:

  • You struggle with—and want to overcome—imposter syndrome, resistance or fear of judgment

  • You’re weighed down by the guilt of not fully stepping into your potential

  • You want to understand the unique thing you are here to gift the world

  • You want to bring everything you are together and distill it down into one thing

  • You want to develop your thought leadership

  • You’ve hit a plateau in your work and want to get re-inspired

  • You’re just getting started and want to build content

  • You want to develop your originality, style and voice

  • You’re interested in writing a book

  • You want your marketing to feel more authentic

  • You’re ready to develop a program

  • You want to feel more confident in what you offer

  • You know you’re creative and you want to express it

  • You want to establish a consistent creative practice that will serve your voice and your business

About Rachel

From relationship coaches to transpersonal psychologists, health and fitness professionals to dream workers, I’ve helped every kind of therapist imaginable build a sustainable business, amplify their voice, and reach more people with their programs and offerings in a way that’s not just authentic, but also unleashes their true purpose and expression on the world.