15 Questions to Discover Your Life’s Work
While the path to discovering our life's work is not—and probably should not—be straightforward, asking yourself the right questions in an ongoing inquiry process is crucial in finding your way. So here are 15 questions to start you off and help guide you on your journey.
Teach What You Know
While the full alignment of business and life’s work isn’t something we wake up to one day—it is an ongoing, conscious, thoughtful process that evolves continuously—for most of us, it isn’t just an option, if you want to create the most authentic, fulfilling, and happiest life possible, it is a necessity.
The Beauty, Potency & Power of Living Your Truth This Lifetime
Being true to who we are is a paradox—we constantly evolve, yet most of us have felt the discomfort of being what we are not. So, while we shouldn’t try to box in our identity, there are core elements that make us up that are crucial for us to nurture. I consider these all part of our "voice."
Your Voice Matters: How to Uncover What Makes You Unique
If you’re anything like me, you feel that distinctly human longing to craft a life from your deepest truth and give voice to what makes you unique, in the short time you have to be alive. But let's face it, the whole thing is kind of elusive. So how can we figure it out?
The Little-Known But Astonishing Gift Of A Life Purpose
Imagine being awoken each morning by the pulse of excitement coursing through your body; a deep sense of life direction permeating your mind. Now, imagine the implications it has on your health and quality of life—this is the power of knowing your puporse.
The Magic Key to Making Sense of Your Life
Every great story has a central question. The same is true for you; you are a story of the universe’s writing, and thus, your life has its own central question. This is what I call your existential question.