The Perfectionism Trap: Why Waiting to Feel ‘Ready’ Silences Your Voice

The Myth of Readiness

Most things in life aren’t about arriving at perfection; they’re a practice, a process, a messy evolution. So waiting to feel “ready” before you begin a new project, task, or adventure is like seeking gold at the end of a rainbow—a fantasy. Readiness isn’t real; it’s a fictional ideal we chase because the pursuit of a place to start frees us from having to ever start at all. 

I’ve always thrown myself into things before I felt ready because I understood that starting was the only way to grow. But I see the readiness trap everywhere in my clients: they’re afraid to put themselves out there, launch programs, and speak their truth. They spend months—sometimes years—circling the same thought: “I’ll say it when it’s perfect.”

If this is you, here’s the truth: if you wait until things are perfect, you’ll be waiting the rest of your life. That feeling of readiness is never coming. The only way out is to start where you are. To start messy. To start now.


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Perfectionism as a Mask for Fear

At its core, perfectionism isn’t about striving for excellence—it’s about fear. 

It’s about the fear of being seen in the mess and of letting people witness your process. When we start something new, by nature, it’s incomplete. And that incompleteness feels vulnerable, raw, exposed.

I see this in my clients all the time. They’re so overly self-critical of the things they create they never publish them. Or they post once, don’t get the response they hoped for, and revolt against social media entirely. Some never even get that far because they’re too frozen by the fear of judgment to create anything in the first place. 

Here’s the great irony of the whole debacle: perfectionism is the ultimate judgment of judgments. It tells you that nothing you create is good enough, and in the end, you judge yourself more harshly than anyone else ever could.

The Power of Imperfection

Here’s something I wish everyone could accept: we are all incomplete, by nature.

There is no “perfect.” There is no “complete.” As humans, the only time we truly come to completion is the day we die. So why treat your work, creativity, or voice as if they should be finished, polished, flawless?

Everything we create is part of a larger process. Imperfection is the gateway to authenticity, because to be authentic is to be imperfect. The more we embrace that, the more freedom we have to share ourselves honestly and connect with others.

Imagine if we treated our thoughts, ideas, and expressions as what they are: incomplete. In-progress. Evolving. Wouldn’t that free us to share without fear? 

Imperfection is the nature of reality. Babies don’t enter the world as fully formed adults with concrete ways of thinking—they grow, change, and evolve. That’s the point of being alive.

Perfectionism keeps us stuck in a place that’s frozen in time. It’s the opposite of growth.

Practical Steps to Overcome the Perfectionism Trap

If you want to break free of perfectionism, it starts with a shift in perspective. For me, the breakthrough came when I internalized two truths:

  1. Everything is impermanent.

  2. Therefore, everything is incomplete.

  3. Therefore, there is no “perfect.” 

That understanding allowed me to let go of shame around creating messy, imperfect things. I stopped looking for results or validation and started creating for the sake of creation itself.


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Here are a few practical ways to begin:

  • Set a Time Limit for Creation: Give yourself a deadline and stick to it. Share your work once you’re out of time, without over-polishing.

  • Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Celebrate your small wins and imperfect steps forward. They’re still a form of movement, even if they don’t get you exactly where you hoped.

  • Shift the Narrative: Replace “What if they judge me?” with: “What if this helps someone, even a little bit?” and start seeing your gifts in a new light.

  • Practice Being Seen: Start small. Share a draft with a friend, or post something imperfect on social media. Don’t even keep track of how many people see it. Build your courage step by step.

  • Get Support: If you can’t take the first step alone, find someone to help you. Get a coach, a friend, a mentor—someone who will hold space for your process—and let them into your process.

If you take nothing else from this, take this: start before you’re ready. You can’t wait until you feel ready to begin, because there is no magic moment when you’ll suddenly feel prepared. You’re already enough. The only way to grow your voice, your creativity, and your confidence is to begin, imperfectly. 

So take one small step today. Share one unfinished idea. Say one brave, imperfect thing. Watch what happens when you stop waiting and start living.

What will you do first? Let me know in the comments!

And if you’re ready to dive deeper into unearthing your voice, embodying your value, and increasing your visibility, join our next free, live 5-day training for wellness and transformation professionals.


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