The Gift of Your Existence

a 12-week online intensive program

Begins February 5th, 2024

Unearth the work that only you can offer the world.

Deep in your bones lives an inner knowing of who you are and why you’re here.

To feel fulfilled in life, you must heed the call of this inner knowing—regardless of whether or what it pays, or the size of the impact it has. Listening to this original, essential voice keeps you aligned to your purpose and compels you on the trajectory of your becoming, ensuring you live a life of meaning, truth, and fulfillment. Join me for this 12-week online program and together we’ll dive deep into a process that will tap into your deepest waters to unearth the breadth and depth of your life’s work. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Get in touch with your deepest truth and unearth your life’s work. Who you are and why you are here is already encoded in your bones. Dig down deep and excavate what’s true so that you may unearth the work that only you can offer the world.

  2. Understand your place in the universe and what wants to come alive through you. To experience deep satisfaction in life, you must feel agency in your individual evolution, connection with the world around you, and the ability to dialogue between the two—with what desires to come alive through you and how it fits within life all around you.

  3. Feel concrete confidence in the gifts you’re here to give. Fully realize the fact that only you can offer your gifts from the unique experiences you have had and the lens through which you see the world, and that is what makes your work so important.

  4. Prioritize and protect your original voice. The voice of the soul is endangered and needs to be protected. Learn practices to help you center and protect your original voice as it blossoms and grows stronger.

  5. Establish a sacred container to serve your evolution for your lifetime. Open up the channel of your creative expression and establish a healthy container from which your voice and gifts can emerge.

  • Embark on an odyssey of self-discovery and unearth your life’s work.

When the ever-creative soul is allowed to rise up from the deep reservoir of life that is its home, we become unpredictable and not easily squeezed into narrow expectations of what a person should be.

—Thomas Moore

Here’s what the program includes:

  1. 12 weeks dedicated to exploring your life’s work. It might seem like a luxury, but it’s the most important work you’ll ever do. This 12-week, deep-dive container is designed to hold space for your voice and life’s work to emerge.

  2. 6 x Learning Modules. A series of learning modules full of inspirational, educational, and tactical content that will help spark your creativity to life.

  3. 6 x Discussion Nights. A chance to deepen your understanding and apply it to your life through readings and group discussion on each learning module.

  4. Weekly creative practice sessions. We meet once per week to get our hands dirty in creative sessions designed to build a body of work for your business.

  5. Curated weekly readings. Get the most potent and mind-expanding chapters on originality, creativity, and thought leadership from my years of reading far and wide on the subject matter.

  6. Daily prompts & practices. In action, we become. These daily prompts and practices are designed to build new habits that serve your creative becoming.

There’ll only ever be one of you in all of human history.
Anything that can emerge through you only has one chance.

If you block it, it will be lost in time forever.

Tap into your unique, bone-deep wisdom and gifts and unearth what’s yours to give.

We’ll explore psychology, mythology, philosophy, creativity, poetry, and science to help uncover the gift of your existence.


Centering Your Voice:
Partnering with your realization

If you want to uncover and express your calling, your voice must be made central to your life. This is because when you center your voice, you partner with your self-actualization. In this module, we establish a natural ritual and rhythm for your voice to emerge.

Conscious Partnership:
Creating a lifelong relationship with your calling

Your life’s work is not ready-made. It’s not a one and done. You must make a grand attempt at solving your existential question through wholehearted engagement with the work, and in the process, become known as the person others come to for similar fulfillment.

From Abstract to Reality:
Integration with the real world

You are uniquely positioned to align your life’s work with your commercial work. Doing so inherently differentiates your work & makes it more fulfilling, leads to easier money & greater sustainability, and keeps you on the path of conscious engagement with your question over your lifetime.

Unearthing Your Life’s Work:
Who are you & why are you here?

Your life’s calling is not put upon you, it’s the organic amalgamation and transmutation of the unique themes, ideas, and experiences that make you up as a person and therefore make your life up. In this module, we get bone deep into who you are and why you’re here.

Tests of Heartfulness:
Fear, self-doubt & resisting your calling

To fear, doubt, and resist our calling is a normal part of the creative process and the human journey. Learn how to work with instead of against, the fears and insecurities of your ego, to propel you towards your full potential.

Being & Becoming:
The evolutionary state of self-actualization

Self actualization is a state of being in which we are becoming. It’s a natural process that unfolds each day, but tends to be corrupted only by the norms of human civilization. Learning how to maintain this state is what makes actualizing your life’s work sustainable.


$500 / month, for 3 months

Madeline Fahey, Italy

"I was struggling to figure out my place in the busy online world of coaching and lacked clarity around my true purpose and ‘why’ behind what I was doing. My work with Rachel helped me to realize what I was born to do and how my coaching and other work can channel that mission.

Figuring this out has been one of the greatest gifts to come from working with her.

We went really deep thanks to the trust and confidence she inspires!"

The finer details:

Call days/times:

Weekly Excavation Sessions: Thursdays @ 2:30pm PT

Discussion Night: Wednesday 6pm PT

WhatsApp Group: 24/7

This program is for you if:

  • You want to establish a consistent creative practice that will serve your voice and your business

  • You struggle with, and want to overcome imposter syndrome, resistance or fear of judgment

  • You want to narrow who you serve and how you serve them

  • You want to understand the unique thing you are here to bring

  • You want to bring everything you are together and distill it down into one thing

  • You want to develop your thought leadership

  • You’ve hit a plateau in your work & want to get re-inspired

  • You’re just getting started and want to build content

  • You want to develop your originality, style and voice

  • You’re interested in writing a book

  • You want your marketing to feel more authentic

  • You’re ready to develop a program

  • You want to feel more confident in what you offer

  • You know you’re creative and you want to express it

  • The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the more resistance we will feel pursuing it.

    Steven Pressfield

About Rachel

From relationship coaches to transpersonal psychologists, health and fitness professionals to dream workers, I’ve helped every kind of therapist imaginable build a sustainable online business, amplify their voice, and reach more people with their programs and offerings.

The key ingredient has always been the same: differentiation.

Understanding who you are, why you’re here and what makes you unique helps attract the right people to you, makes your work more potent and therefore has greater impact. It also increases your personal sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and generally leads to earning more and easier money.