The Essence of Your Truth:

A 2-hour virtual retreat for self-discovery

Sunday May 19th, 10:00am PT

Knowing who you are and why you’re here creates seismic shifts in your life.

It ignites a formidable force inside you that transforms how you show up in the world, helping you feel clear, directed, and enabling you to make the right decisions for your life. It unveils the essence of your being and transmutes it to your environment, attracting more of the right things to you and adding a visceral sense of partnership with the universe each day.

Join me for this virtual retreat and once complete you’ll:

  1. Understand more of who you are. The process of crystallizing your truth is dynamic and evolving—it takes deep time and constant tending. Once you reach a certain point, you wake up pulsating with purpose every day, excited to bring your truth and work with what’s emerging through you.

  2. Contemplate and integrate your life learnings. Wisdom is doubt clarified; wisdom is experience understood. Knowing your truth requires integrating your life learnings and growing in wisdom born of your own bones, which means spending time making sense of what you’ve learned.

  3. Increase alignment between your internal truth and your external world. To live in accordance with your truth brings great satisfaction to your life. Although there is no end point, you can continue to align your internal and external worlds until you reach the point of dynamic equilibrium.

  • "You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at, and exploring itself."

    Alan Watts

You are acting out your truth in the world everyday, whether you’ve chosen it intentionally, or not.

It’s our duty to define who we are and become a conscious agents in our own evolution. Doing so helps us occupy our place in the universe and become a steward of life as it unfolds through us.

Our self-definition compels us to align—as much as possible—our internal truth with our external circumstances, so that we become conscious of the actions we take and cause they create in the world.

This retreat does not focus only on individual growth but also emphasizes the interplay of personal truth as a compass inside the environments we inhabit.

The Retreat:

Human beings are complex systems. Therefore we do not rely on a single method or technique to understand ourselves, but instead incorporate a blend of meditation, contemplation, discussion, reflection and integration. This is an open forum for enquiry from all angles.


Develop an unaffected mind as it’s essential for clear-seeing.

Get grounded in an expansive awareness that will help you perceive clearly what is true and what is emerging through you.


Think through your internal discovery process.

Curated journal prompts will help you contemplate the nature of who you are, the experiences you’ve had, what they mean, and what is arising through you as a result.


Engage with others outside of self to deepen understanding.

Expand your understanding of your truth and share your wisdom with others through group discussion to help further distill the essence of your truth.


Carrying forward the work into all aspects of life.

Outline how you will carry forward your new insights around your truth, weaving and grounding them into your life through concrete, tangible objectives that are both measurable and achievable.

Retreat Focus Areas

Focus areas covered in this retreat include everything from tapping into your visionary intelligence, to understanding the conditions you need for a thriving life, to determining values, understanding complexes, discerning desires, sharpening your tools of perception, establishing personal codes of conduct, choosing influences, creating consumption lists, and so much more.

Learn more about visionary intelligence here.

  • "There's a song that wants to sing itself through you."

    Joanna Macy

About Rachel

From relationship coaches to transpersonal psychologists, health and fitness professionals to dream workers, I’ve helped every kind of therapist imaginable build a sustainable business, amplify their voice, and reach more people with their programs and offerings in a way that’s not just highly-authentic, but also unleashes their true purpose and expression on the world. 

My approach to marketing is different because I come from a different world than most marketing professionals.

For the last ten years, I’ve been heavily engaged in my own personal growth, healing and purpose-seeking journey. I was moments away from becoming a therapist myself, before realizing I could have a greater impact by helping others reach more people with messages & tools of healing, hope and transformation.

After years of working one-on-one with therapists, coaches and transformational workers, I waded through the muck of the marketing work to find the gems – the long-lasting, important, principles that matter, that align with the soul and create sustainable change in the world. I decided to bring them to a greater audience, and Emergent Voice was born.